Update your profile to increase your visibility and maximize engagement with fellow alums, professors and admins!


Dear TIAS Alumni,

Update your profile to increase your visibility and maximize engagement with fellow alums, professors and admins!
Let us know your following information to TIAS Office by email (tias-admin [at] un.tsukuba.ac.jp) or through SNS(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).

1. Affiliation including department, industry
2. Job title, or disciplinary faculty if you are a student.
3. Any updates
*Let us know your recent activity. If you wish we could introduce your story on our SNS.
4. Message and/or recommendations for the future TIAS 2.0 students
* Also tell us your opinion of the education you received at TIAS. (e.g. What lessons have you learned? In what ways does it apply to your current work, research and life?)

Thank you and let us stay in touch!

Chair of TIAS 2.0