2023.9.26 Intercultural Exchange Event at Musashimurayama Third Elementary School

Attendees: TIAS students (Anirban, Aydee, Kai, Sarah, Taiga, Yuto), Researcher (Liu, Kishii), Prof. Sanada, Prof. Fukasawa, Chair of TIAS Programme

Six TIAS 2.0 students visited Musashi Murayama Daisan Primary School (武蔵村山第三小学校) for an international exchange with the sixth graders on 2023.9.26 Tue.
As soon as the children sang a welcome song, TIAS students joined in the children and exchanged high-fives, and the gym was immediately filled with enthusiasm. This was followed by an Olympics-related quiz with one question per student, to deepen the children’s interest in and knowledge of the Olympics.

After a short break, Visiting Professor Egami acted as Cabin Attendant and conducted an immigration role play in a setting where the students travelled around the world on Musashimurayama 3rd Airline. Groups of about 10 children visited a table in each country, and if they could answer two or three questions from the student playing the immigration officer, their passports were stamped (e.g. birthday, favourite sport, favourite animal, breakfast today, events experienced during the summer holidays). The children were seen to cooperate with them by thinking together about other children’s answers and giving each other hints.



After the events in the gym, it was time for lunch: two classes were joined by three students each, who helped serve the meal and enjoyed it with the children. The students were then taken on a tour of the various classes in the school.
The teachers were very surprised at the changes they saw in the children as they actively interacted with the students, and the children were sad to say goodbye to the students.
It will be a good memory for Aydee, who has just graduated from TIAS and will return to Ecuador the next day.
We have received a request from Musashi Murayama Daisan Primary School to organise such an event again next year.
Well done and Great job!


Comment from student 1
That was very fun. We sang, played quizzes, talked in English, and ate school lunch together. I learned that international students have different pronunciations and different teaching methods. All the international students were very kind to me so I felt I had such a wonderful time.

Comment from student 2
I’m glad I was able to communicate with people from various countries at this time! All the international students were so cool and kind.
Even when I didn’t understand English, they helped me by changing the way I said it. It was really fun.