Guest Speaker Professor Leo HSU: 0ATQ209 Olympism and Legacy -Dec.5 and 12, 2024

In ‘Olympism and Legacy’ course (Prof Fukasawa), Professor Leo HSU was invited as an online guest speaker on 5th and 12th of December.

On the first day, he introduced the history of NOA Olympic education sessions in Taiwan (nearly 50 times), award to CTOA (Chinese Taipei Olympic Academy) from IOA (International Olympic Academy), Olympic education at high school levels, international sports affairs training course, and Olympic education at university level.


On day 2, he talked about ‘Creating an Olympic Education Centre’. He had an idea of establishing an Olympic Museum in Taiwan about 20 years ago, thanks in part to his enthusiasm and understanding of the university, the Olympic Education Centre at the National Taiwan University of Sport opened in 2021. It has Olympic Games’ posters from 1896, items regarding the Olympics and Paralympics, an exhibition of future Olympic Games mascots imagined by students, etc. He said IOA donated the posters and he followed the IOA’s advice and incorporated ideas from students in the conceptualization of this center.

Professor Hsu emphasized the meaning of the Olympic spirit, civilization through education, and peace. Students were stimulated by his lecture and asked some questions and comments on his talk.
Hopefully, TIAS 2.0 students and faculty members will have opportunities to visit the museum in his university and exchange with his students and colleagues.